12 weight Fly Rod 9ft | 4-piece
A great fishing adventure starts with this rod. It is totally suitable for salmon and saltwater without costing too much. Comes with a rod sock and Wild Water's LIFETIME WARRANTY. This rod is designed for 12 weight line and is great for everything from largemouth bass to pike to redfish to steelhead and salmon. It will fish well at the local pond or on a trophy trout stream. This 12 weight fly rod is designed by Wild Water to be very forgiving for the beginning fly caster yet sophisticated enough for an experienced angler to appreciate. Get one as a backup, for the kids or to loan to a buddy. At this price you won't have to worry if it gets broken in the car door.
HIGH QUALITY FLY ROD: The 9 foot, 12 weight, 4-piece fly rod is constructed from IM8 graphite. Each rod section is 28.75” long.Customer Service: Wild Water has USA customer service and returns. Call us at 585-967-3474 (FISH) for assistance. Email Wild Water if you have any questions about this product.
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